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Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Pdf

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Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokemon Liquid Crystal Download, Walkthrough, Cheats and Gameshark Codes Pokemon Liquid Crystal Cheats Walkthrough Pokedex Contact us Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokedex Share this ROM Hack 3 0 0 0
This page shows you the full Pokemon List or Pokedex in Pokemon Liquid Crystal. Their locations, Levels and how to catch in all regions: Johto, Kanto, Orange Is lands, Johto Caves and Kanto Caves are provided to you. Not like the original Po kemon Crystal, in this game, you have chances to catch all Pokemon from three ge nerations (yes, it owns Hoenn Pokemon). If you haven t read the review yet, you ca n read it at our homepage. The addition tool that was used is Advance Map. You may need to use Pokemon Liqu id Crystal Map to locate Pokemon Locations exactly. Thanks dirk123 for his wonde rful FAQs. Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokedex Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokedex Johto Pokedex New Bark Town Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Horsea Level 5-15 Krabby Level 15-25 Shellder Level 15-25 Gyarados Level 25-35 Seadra Level 25-35 Psyduck Level 5-40 Tentacool Route Level Level Level Level Level
29 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4
Pidgey Hoothoot Sentret Rattata Poochyena
Cherrygrove City Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Horsea Level 15-25 Qwilfish
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Seadra 25-35 Psyduck 15-20 Tentacool 20-22 Tentacruel 20-25 Mantine 10 Pineco 10 Ledyba
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
30 2-4 Pidgey 2-4 Rattata 2-4 Caterpie 2-4 Hoothoot 2-4 Poliwag 2-4 Spinarak 2-4 Weedle 2-4 Sentret 2-4 Ledyba 2-4 Ralts 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Poliwag 5-15 Goldeen 20-30 Poliwhirl 15-25 Gyarados 15-35 Psyduck 5-40 Psyduck 35-40 Golduck 10 Pineco 10 Ledyba 10 Hoothoot 10 Wurmple 10 Taillow
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
31 3-5 Caterpie 3-5 Weedle 3-5 Hoppip 3-6 Hoothoot 3-5 Bellsprout 3-6 Spinarak 3-6 Rattata 3-6 Pidgey 3-6 Ledyba 3-6 Swablu 10 Aipom 10 Hoothoot 10-15 Nincada 10-15 Spearow
Violet City Level 10 Graveler Ruins Level Level Level
of Alph (Outside) 15-22 Natu 20 Wooper 20 Smeargle
Ruins of Alph (Inside) Level 5 Unown
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
32 5-7 Pidgey 5-7 Rattata 5-7 Ekans 5-7 Zubat 5-7 Bellsprout 5-7 Exeggcute 5-7 Hoothoot 5-7 Pineco 5-7 Wooper 5-8 Numel 10-20 Tentacool 10 Horsea 30 Tentacruel 30 Qwilfish 40 Remoraid 10-20 Tentacool 10 Qwilfish 20-30 Tentacruel 10-15 Pineco 10-15 Ledyba 10-15 Caterpie 10-15 Wurmple 10-15 Dustox
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
33 6-9 Rattata 6-9 Spearow 6-9 Ekans 6-9 Zubat 6-9 Geodude 6-9 Aipom 6-9 Heracross 6-9 Pidgey 6-9 Taillow 6-9 Roselia 5-15 Pineco 10-15 Metapod 10-15 Aipom 10-15 Spearow 10-15 Skitty
Azelea Town Level 10 Pineco Level 10 Spearow Level 10 Hoothoot Level 10-15 Ledyba Level 10-15 Aipom Ilex Forest Level 4-7 Caterpie Level 4-7 Metapod Level 5-8 Butterfree Level 4-7 Weedle Level 4-7 Kakuna Level 5-8 Beedrill Level 4-7 Shroomish Level 4-8 Cascoon Level 4-8 Oddish
Level Level Level Level Level Level
4-8 Paras 4-8 Venonat 4-8 Hoothoot 10 Pineco 10 Ledyba 10 Heracross
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
34 10-12 Pidgey 10-12 Rattata 10-12 Exeggcute 10 Gulpin 10-13 Snubbull 10-14 Mankey 10 Ditto 10-12 Drowzee 10-12 Spinarak 10 Jigglypuff 10-14 Hoothoot 10-35 Krabby 10-15 Staryu 20-35 Kingler 35 Corsola 35-40 Remoraid 15-20 Tentacool 15-20 Tentacruel 10-15 Pineco 10-15 Oddish
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
35 10-12 Pidgey 10 Abra 11-13 Drowzee 11-13 Hoothoot 11-13 Spinarak 11-13 Growlithe 11-13 Ledyba 11-13 Psyduck 11-13 Poliwag 10 Seviper 10 Ditto 10 Snubbull 10-15 Pineco 10-15 Caterpie 10-15 Hoothoot 10-15 Magikarp 10-15 Heracross
National Park Level 13-15 Caterpie Level 13-15 Metapod Level 13-15 Weedle Level 13-16 Kakuna Level 13-16 Pidgey Level 13-15 Nidoran+ Level 13-15 Nidoran> Level 13-15 Taillow Level 13-15 Venonat Level 13-15 Sunkern Level 13-16 Butterfree
Level 13-15 Beedrill Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
36 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
37 5-12 Pidgey 12-15 Pidgeotto 12-15 Growlithe 12-15 Exeggcute 12-15 Hoothoot 12-15 Ledyba 12-15 Spinarak 12-15 Pineco 12-15 Skitty 12-16 Stantler 12-16 Ledian 12-16 Noctowl 10-15 Hoothoot 10-15 Pineco 10-15 Aipom
Pidgey Bellsprout Hoothoot Spearow Spinarak Gastly Growlithe Sunkern
Ecruteak City Level 10 Pineco Bruned Tower 1F Level 14-17 Rattata Level 14-17 Zubat Level 14-17 Koffing Burned Tower B1 Level 12-16 Rattata Level 12-16 Vulpix Level 12-14 Zubat Level 12-16 Koffing Level 12-16 Raticate Level 12-16 Weezing Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
38 10 Pidgey 12 Pidgeotto 8-13 Rattata 14 Raticate 10 Meowth 12 Magnemite 16 Exeggcute 12-16 Tauros 10-14 Hoothoot 14 Noctowl 10-14 Miltank 14 Electrike 15 Hoothoot 15 Ledyba
Level 15 Spinarak Level 15 Wurmple Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
39 14-18 Pidgeotto 14-18 Mareep 10-18 Rattata 10-18 Raticate 10-18 Meowth 10-18 Magnemite 10-18 Exeggcute 10-18 Tauros 10-18 Hoothoot 10-18 Noctowl 10-18 Spinarak 10-18 Miltank 10 Pineco 15 Ledyba 10 Sentret 15 Cascoon
Olivine City Level 10-20 Tentacool Level 10 Poliwag Level 20-40 Krabby Level 40 Magikarp Level 40 Poliwhirl Level 18-20 Tentacool Level 18-20 Tentacruel Level 18-20 Krabby Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
40 10-20 Krabby 10-15 Magikarp 20 Shuckle 35 Kingler 35 Lanturn 35-40 Mantine 15-17 Tentacool 15-17 Tentacruel 13-15 Corsola 13-15 Krabby
Route 41 No Pokemon was found Cianwood City Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Horsea Level 15-25 Qwilfish Level 15-25 Gyarados Level 25-35 Seadra Level 25-35 Psyduck Level 5-35 Tentacool Level 20-24 Tentacruel Route Level Level Level
42 18-22 Rattata 18-22 Spearow 18-22 Ekans
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
18-22 Zubat 18-22 Golbat 18-22 Raticate 18-22 Fearow 18-22 Arbok 18-22 Smoochum 18-22 Sandshrew 18-22 Poochyena 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Horsea 5-15 Seaking 15-25 Qwilfish 15-25 Marill 25-35 Seadra 25-35 Psyduck 5-20 Tentacool 15-20 Tentacruel 10 Aipom 10 Heracross
Mahogany Town Level 15 Aipom Level 15 Heracross Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
43 15 Sentret 15-17 Furret 15-17 Farfetch d 15-17 Pidgeotto 15 Girafarig 15-17 Raticate 15-17 Lotad 15-17 Noctowl 15-17 Exeggcute 10-40 Magikarp 20-40 Poliwag 17-22 Magikarp 17-22 Poliwag 15 Wurmple 15 Nincada 15 Pineco 15 Aipom 15 Kecleon
Lake of Rage Level 10-40 Magikarp Level 20-40 Gyarados Level 16-18 Magikarp Level 16-18 Gyarados Rocket Mahogany Town HQ B1 Level 14-23 Koffing Level 14-23 Voltorb Route Level Level Level Level Level
44 22-26 22-25 22-24 22-26 22-25
Spearow Poliwag Cacnea Weepingbell Tangela
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
22-26 Lickitung 22-25 Poliwhirl 24-25 Bellsprout 10-40 Poliwag 20-40 Poliwhirl 5 Mudkip 22-25 Poliwag 22-25 Wingull 10 Aipom 10 Pineco 15 Ninjask 15-20 Heracross
Blackthorn City Level 10 Tentacool Level 20-25 Tentacruel Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
45 20-22 Geodude 20-22 Phanpy 22-27 Graveler 20-22 Zubat 20-22 Mawile 20-22 Electrike 20-22 Aron 22-25 Skarmory 22-25 Gligar 22-24 Vibrava 22-25 Wobbuffet 10-30 Magikarp 10 Dratini 20 Dragonair 10 Donphan 20 Magikarp 20-22 Psyduck 20-22 Dratini
Route Level Level Level Level
46 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-9
Rattata Geodude Spearow Phanpy
Kanto Pokedex Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
27 26-32 Raticate 26-30 Ekans 26-30 Arbok 26-30 Ponyta 26-30 Doduo 26-30 Dodrio 26-30 Hoothoot 27-30 Noctowl 27-31 Electrike 27-30 Poochyena 27-30 Silcoon 27-31 Exeggcute 10-40 Magikarp 10 Shellder
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
20-40 Chinchou 40 Tentacool 40 Quagsire 40 Remoraid 18-21 Tentacool 18-21 Tentacruel 18-21 Chinchou 18-21 Lanturn 18-21 Quagsire 10 Pineco 10-15 Beautifly
Route 26 None Pokemon was found Vermillion City Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-35 Horsea Level 5-15 Krabby Level 15-25 Shellder Level 15-25 Gyarados Level 25-35 Psyduck Level 5-40 Tentacool Route Level Level Level
11 12-15 Ekans 13-17 Spearow 11-15 Drowzee
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
6 10-16 Meowth 13-16 Pidgey 13-16 Oddish 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Poliwag 5-15 Goldeen 20-30 Poliwhirl 15-25 Gyarados 15-35 Psyduck 20-40 Psyduck
Route Level Level Level Level
7 19-22 17-20 19-22 18-20
Pidgey Meowth Oddish Growlithe
Celedon City Level 5-35 Magikarp Level 30-40 Grimer Level 5-40 Psyduck Level 30-40 Koffing
Route Level Level Level Level
16 20-22 18-22 18-22 23-25
Spearow Doduo Rattata Raticate
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level
17 18-24 Fearow 20-25 Grimer 22-26 Slugma 23-26 Muk 22 Aipom 22-26 Swellow
Route Level Level Level Level Level
18 20-26 24-25 22-26 22-25 22-26
Fearow Grimer Muk Slugma Azurill
Fuchsia City Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Goldeen Level 5-15 Poliwag Level 20-30 Seaking Level 15-25 Gyarados Level 15-35 Psyduck Level 20-40 Psyduck Route Level Level Level Level Level Level
15 22-26 Oddish 24-26 Venonat 25-27 Pidgey 25 Ditto 29 Pidgeotto 28-30 Gloom
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level
14 22-26 Oddish 24-26 Venonat 23 Ditto 27 Pidgey 30 Gloom 29 Pidgeotto
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
13 22-26 Oddish 24-26 Venonat 25-27 Pidgey 25 Ditto 29 Pidgeotto 28-30 Gloom 5-15 Magikarp 5-35 Horsea 5-15 Krabby 15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Psyduck 5-40 Tentacool
Route Level Level Level Level
12 22-26 24-26 23-27 28-30
Oddish Venonat Pidgey Gloom
Level Level Level Level Level Level
5-15 Magikarp 5-35 Horsea 5-15 Krabby 15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Psyduck 5-40 Tentacool
Lavender Town cemetery basement Level 18-25 Gastly Level 18-25 Haunter Level 18-25 Dusclops Level 18-25 Sableye Level 18-25 Shuppet Level 18-25 Gengar Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
8 18 Pidgeotto 18-20 Meowth 16-19 Jigglypuff 16 Abra 17-19 Kadabra 15-19 Growlithe 19 Haunter 17-19 Noctowl 17-19 Snubbul
Route Level Level Level
5 10-16 Meowth 13-16 Pidgey 13-16 Oddish
Cerulean City (Misty s gym) None Pokemon was found here Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
9 16-17 Spearow 14-16 Rattata 11 Zubat 15 Ekans 13-19 Fearow 14-19 Raticate 17 Venonat 13-19 Venomoth 17-19 Marowak 20 Goldeen 20 Seaking 20 Clamperl
Route Level Level Level Level
10 13-17 Spearow 14-17 Voltorb 11-17 Ekans 5-40 Tentacool
Route Level Level Level Level Level
24 5-40 Tentacool 7 Weedle 7 Caterpie 11-13 Pidgey 12-14 Oddish
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
8-12 Abra 8 Kakuna 8 Metapod 5-15 Magikarp 5-35 Horsea 5-15 Krabby 15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Psyduck 5-40 Tentacool
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
25 8 Weedle 8 Caterpie 11-13 Pidgey 12-14 Oddish 9-13 Abra 9 Kakuna 9 Metapod 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Poliwag 5-15 Goldeen 20-30 Poliwhirl 15-25 Gyarados 15-35 Psyduck 20-40 Psyduck
Route Level Level Level Level
2 2-5 2-5 4-5 4-5
Rattata Pidgey Caterpie Weedle
Viridian City Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Poliwag Level 5-15 Goldeen Level 20-30 Poliwhirl Level 15-25 Gyarados Level 15-35 Psyduck Level 20-40 Psyduck Route 1 Level 2-5 Pidgey Level 3-5 Rattata Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
21 17-28 Tangela 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Horsea 5-15 Krabby 15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Psyduck 25-35 Seadra 5-40 Tentacool
Cinnaber Island Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Horsea Level 5-15 Krabby Level 15-25 Gyarados
Level Level Level Level
15-25 Shellder 25-35 Psyduck 25-35 Seadra 5-40 Tentacool
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
20 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Horsea 5-15 Krabby 15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Psyduck 25-35 Seadra 5-40 Tentacool
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
19 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Horsea 5-15 Krabby 15-25 Gyarados 25-35 Psyduck 25-35 Seadra 5-40 Tentacool
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level
3 6-8 Spearow 6-7 Pidgey 7 Mankey 6-7 Nidoran> 3-7 Jigglypuff 6 Nidoran+
Route Level Level Level Level
4 8-12 Spearow 8-12 Rattata 6-12 Ekans 10-12 Mankey
Route Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
22 2-5 Rattata 2-5 Mankey 3-5 Spearow 5-15 Magikarp 5-25 Poliwag 5-15 Goldeen 20-30 Poliwhirl 15-25 Gyarados 15-35 Psyduck 20-40 Psyduck
Orange Islands Pokedex Orange Islands Valencia Island route 1 Level 10 Luvdisc Level 10 Carvanha Level 15-25 Huntail Level 20-35 Barboach Level 35 Tentacruel Level 35-40 Gorebyss
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
35-45 40-45 45-55 15-40 15-40 15-40 15-40 15-40
Whiscash Clamperl Relicanth Carvanha Corphish Corsola Octillery Sharpedo
Valencia Island Unnamed Town Level 10 Magikarp Level 10 Luvdisc Level 15-30 Barboach Level 30-35 Whiscash Level 35-45 Omanyte Level 40-55 Milotic Valencia Island Route 2 Level 10-40 Tentacool Level 40-50 Tentacruel Level 45-55 Gorebyss Level 15-50 Spheal Level 15-50 Huntail Level 15-50 Relicanth Level 15-50 Luvdisc Level 15-50 Gorebyss Valencia Island Route 3 Level 43-53 Tentacruel Level 43-53 Corsola Johto Caves Dark Cave Level 2-5 Zubat Level 2-4 Geodude Level 2-4 Paras Level 2-5 Clefairy Level 2-4 Aron Level 22-25 Numel Level 22-25 Geodude Level 22-25 Snorunt Level 22-25 Larvitar Level 22-25 Graveler Level 22-25 Rhyhorn Level 25 Steelix Level 22-25 Onix Level 22-26 Solrock Level 20-22 Zubat Level 20-24 Geodude Level 22-27 Graveler Level 22-24 Dunsparce Level 22-25 Teddiursa Level 22 Wobbuffet Level 22-25 Ursaring Level 22-26 Nosepass Level 20-25 Poliwhirl Level 20-24 Poliwag Level 20-26 Relicanth
Union Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
Cave 6-9 Rattata 7-9 Raticate 6-9 Zubat 7-10 Golbat 6-9 Geodude 7-9 Onix 7-9 Wooper 6-9 Numel 6-9 Sandshrew 5-15 Krabby 5-15 Goldeen 5-15 Staryu 5-15 Wooper 5-15 Quagsire 5-15 Magikarp 10-16 Wailmer 5-16 Sealeo 20 Tentacool 20-25 Tentacruel 20-23 Quagsire 20 Seaking 20 Corsola 4-8 Geodude 4-8 Zubat 4-8 Rattata 4-8 Taillow 4-8 Spinarak 4-5 Caterpie 18-23 Rattata 18-23 Raticate 20 Sandshrew 18-20 Zubat 18-24 Golbat 18-20 Geodude 18-25 Onix 15-18 Nosepass 10 Magikarp 10-20 Krabby 20-35 Goldeen 20 Wooper 35 Seaking 35 Staryu 35 Corsola 18-22 Tentacool 18-22 Tentacruel 18-22 Quagsire 18-24 Corsola
Slowpoke Well B1 (nothing at B2) Level 5-7 Zubat Level 5-10 Magikarp Level 10-15 Slowpoke Level 10-15 Goldeen Whirl Islands Level 17-26 Zubat Level 17-26 Golbat Level 17-26 Seel
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
17-26 20-25 20-25 20-25 17-25 17-25 17-25 17-25 17-25 19-25 19-25 19-25 19-25
Krabby Tentacool Horsea Seadra Zubat Seel Golbat Krabby Kingler Tentacool Tentacruel Horsea Seadra
Mt Mortar Level 13-17 Rattata Level 13-17 Zubat Level 13-17 Machop Level 13-17 Geodude Level 15-17 Marill Level 10-40 Goldeen Level 10-20 Magikarp Level 40 Seaking Level 40 Marill Level 40 Gyarados Level 17-22 Goldeen Level 20 Seaking Level 15-18 Rattata Level 15-18 Raticate Level 15-18 Zubat Level 15-18 Machop Level 15-18 Geodude Level 15-18 Golbat Level 15-18 Houndour Level 19-28 Rattata Level 19-28 Raticate Level 19-28 Zubat Level 19-28 Golbat Level 19-28 Machop Level 19-28 Machoke Level 19-28 Geodude Level 19-28 Graveler Level 19-28 Solrock Level 10 Goldeen Level 35-40 Seaking Level 19-28 Goldeen Level 19-28 Seaking Level 19-28 Marill Level 13-17 Rattata Level 13-17 Zubat Level 13-17 Machop Level 13-17 Geodude Level 13-15 Goldeen Level 13-25 Geodude Level 13-15 Zubat Level 13-15 Machop Level 13-15 Marill Ice Path Level 20-23 Zubat
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
21-22 Shuckle 20-24 Swinub 22 Krabby 20-24 Golbat 22-24 Sneasel 24 Jynx 22-25 Swinub 20-25 Golbat 20-22 Shuckle 20-23 Sneasel 20-22 Zubat 20 Delibird 22-25 Golbat 5 Beldum 20-25 Swinub 20-24 Golbat 20-24 Delibird 22 Zubat 10 Snorunt 20-24 Zubat 20-23 Golbat 22 Krabby 22-24 Seel 20-25 Delibird 22 Sneasel 20-22 Shuckle 22-24 Swinub 20-22 Zubat 20-24 Golbat 22 Swinub 22-23 Jynx 22 Shuckle 20-24 Krabby 20-22 Sneasel 22-25 Delibird 5-10 Castform
Dragon s Den Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Dratini Level 15-25 Dragonair Level 15-25 Seadra Level 10-17 Magikarp Level 10-17 Dratini Level 25-28 Golbat Level 25 Machoke Level 25-30 Magneton Level 25-28 Parasect Level 25-30 Kadabra Level 25-28 Ditto Level 25-28 Electrode Level 26-29 Geodude Level 20 Eevee Level 27-28 Onix Level 25-27 Machop Level 25-29 Golbat Level 25-30 Machoke Level 25-28 Diglett Level 25-30 Dugtrio Level 25-28 Cubone
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
27-30 Graveler 26-29 Houndour 22-27 Swinub 26-31 Seel 22 Sneasel 24 Delibird 28 Shuckle 33 Teddiursa 30 Dewgong
Mt SiLevel er Level 38-45 Golbat Level 38-45 Parasect Level 38-45 Golduck Level 38-45 Graveler Level 38-45 Onix Level 38-45 Magmar Level 38-45 Misdreavus Level 38-45 Ursaring Level 38-45 Larvitar Level 38-45 Pupitar Level 38-45 Golbat Level 38-45 Parasect Level 38-45 Golduck Level 38-45 Graveler Level 38-45 Onix Level 38-45 Magmar Level 38-45 Misdreavus Level 38-45 Ursaring Level 38-45 Larvitar Level 38-45 Pupitar Level 38-42 Poliwag Level 38-42 Poliwhirl Level 38-42 Goldeen Level 38-42 Seaking Level 38-45 Golbat Level 38-45 Parasect Level 38-45 Golduck Level 38-45 Graveler Level 38-45 Onix Level 38-45 Magmar Level 38-45 Misdreavus Level 38-45 Ursaring Level 38-45 Larvitar Level 38-45 Pupitar Kanto Caves Victory Road Level 32-35 Graveler Level 30-34 Onix Level 32-35 Golbat Level 32-33 Sandslash Level 30-34 Rattata Level 30-34 Raticate Level 30-36 Cubone Level 30-36 Numel Level 34 Surskit Level 32-36 Graveler Level 32-36 Onix
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
32-35 Golbat 34 Sandslash 34 Rhyhorn 33-36 Rhydon 33 Numel 32-40 Graveler 32-36 Geodude 30-40 Onix 32-36 Golbat 32-36 Rhyhorn 32-40 Rhydon 32-40 Sandslash 32-36 Numel
Rock Tunnel Level 15 Zubat Level 15-17 Geodude Level 16-17 Haunter Level 16 Golbat Level 16 Cubone Level 17-18 Machoke Level 17 Machop Level 13-18 Marowak Level 15-18 Kangaskhan Level 15-18 Onix Level 15-16 Zubat Level 15-17 Geodude Level 17 Machoke Level 17 Machop Level 16 Cubone Level 13-17 Onix Level 15-18 Marowak Diglett s Cave Level 4-32 Diglett Level 29-31 Dugtrio Mt Moon (all floors inside the cave) Level 6-9 Zubat Level 6-9 Golbat Level 6-9 Anorith Level 6-9 Geodude Level 6-9 Graveler That s all. If you need the completed guide to follow, you can view the Pokemon Li qid Crystal Walkthrough here. Download Walkthrough Free Downloads Crystal Download Abra Levels Game Download All Regions Blackthorn Forests

EDMI Integrates Wavecom GSM/GPRS Module for Automated Meter. And will include EDMI's meter management and data retrieval software, Eziview. G6000 Smart Gas Meter; Software. G6000 Smart Gas Meter. General Enquiries: Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Pdf. Pokemon Liquid Crystal video walkthrough by ttarantox. 77 videos on playlist. Pokemon Liquid Crystal video walkthrough guide. Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more. You may need to use Pokemon Liqu id Crystal Map to locate Pokemon Locations exactly. Thanks dirk123 for his wonde rful FAQs. Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokedex Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokedex Johto Pokedex New Bark Town Level 5-15 Magikarp Level 5-25 Horsea Level 5-15 Krabby Level 15-25 Shellder Level 15-25 Gyarados Level 25-35 Seadra Level 25-35.

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Crystal Version
This is an in-depth walkthrough for Pokémon Crystal for the Game Boy Color.
  • 1Sections
    • 1.1Main storyline



Main storyline


  • Part 1 - New Bark Town, Route 29
  • Part 2 - Cherrygrove City, Mr. Pokémon's House, Elm's Lab
  • Part 3 - Routes 30 and 31, Violet City, Violet Gym
  • Part 4 - Route 32, Union Cave, Route 33, Azalea Town
  • Part 5 - Azalea Gym, Ilex Forest, Route 34
  • Part 6 - Goldenrod City, Goldenrod Gym
  • Part 7 - Route 35, National Park, Routes 36 and 37
  • Part 8 - Ecruteak City, Burned Tower, Tin Tower, Ecruteak Gym, Routes 38 and 39
  • Part 9 - Olivine City, Routes 40 and 41, Whirl Islands
  • Part 10 - Cianwood City, Cianwood Gym, Olivine Gym, Route 42, Mt. Mortar
  • Part 11 - Mahogany Town, Route 43, Lake of Rage, Rocket Hideout, Mahogany Gym
  • Part 12 - Radio Tower, Goldenrod Underground, Tin Tower 1F, Route 44, Ice Path
  • Part 13 - Blackthorn City, Blackthorn Gym, Dragon's Den, Route 45, Dark Cave, Route 46


Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Pdf Reader

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Pdf
  • Part 14 - Routes 27 and 26, Victory Road
  • Part 15 - Indigo Plateau


Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokemon List

  • Part 16 - Back to New Bark, S.S. Aqua, Vermilion City, Vermilion Gym
  • Part 17 - Route 6, Saffron City, Saffron Gym
  • Part 18 - Route 8, Lavender Town, Route 10, Rock Tunnel, Route 9, Kanto Power Plant
  • Part 19 - Cerulean City, Routes 24 and 25, Cerulean Gym, Route 5
  • Part 20 - Route 7, Celadon City, Celadon Gym, Tin Tower Rooftop
  • Part 21 - Routes 16, 17 and 18, Fuchsia City, Fuchsia Gym
  • Part 22 - Routes 15, 14, 13, and 12
  • Part 23 - Route 11, Diglett's Cave, Route 2, Pewter City, Pewter Gym
  • Part 24 - Route 3, Mt. Moon, Route 4
  • Part 25 - Viridian City, Route 1, Pallet Town
  • Part 26 - Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20, Cinnabar Gym, Route 19, Viridian Gym
  • Part 27 - Routes 22 and 28
  • Part 28 - Mt. Silver

See also

Lookin body basic serial number.

Doordarshan (transl. Distant vision) is a 2020 Indian Hindi -language comedy-drama film directed by Gagan Puri and produced by Arya Films (Ritu Arya). The film stars Mahie Gill and Manu Rishi Chaddha. The film was released in theatres on 28 February 2020. Ramayan Cast (Doordarshan), Actors, Roles, Salary & More Niraj Singh 1 Ramayan is an Indian Hindi, mythological television serial which will be aired on Doordarshan. Sansar serial doordarshan cast watch. Sansar cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list of Sansar actors includes any Sansar actresses and all other actors from the film. You can view additional information about each Sansar actor on. Jul 29, 2011 - Labels: Gotya, marathi tv serial on doordarshan, Tv Serial. To support the strong storyline the serial has.

Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Pdf

Main storyline


  • Part 1 - New Bark Town, Route 29
  • Part 2 - Cherrygrove City, Mr. Pokémon's House, Elm's Lab
  • Part 3 - Routes 30 and 31, Violet City, Violet Gym
  • Part 4 - Route 32, Union Cave, Route 33, Azalea Town
  • Part 5 - Azalea Gym, Ilex Forest, Route 34
  • Part 6 - Goldenrod City, Goldenrod Gym
  • Part 7 - Route 35, National Park, Routes 36 and 37
  • Part 8 - Ecruteak City, Burned Tower, Tin Tower, Ecruteak Gym, Routes 38 and 39
  • Part 9 - Olivine City, Routes 40 and 41, Whirl Islands
  • Part 10 - Cianwood City, Cianwood Gym, Olivine Gym, Route 42, Mt. Mortar
  • Part 11 - Mahogany Town, Route 43, Lake of Rage, Rocket Hideout, Mahogany Gym
  • Part 12 - Radio Tower, Goldenrod Underground, Tin Tower 1F, Route 44, Ice Path
  • Part 13 - Blackthorn City, Blackthorn Gym, Dragon's Den, Route 45, Dark Cave, Route 46


Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough Pdf Reader

  • Part 14 - Routes 27 and 26, Victory Road
  • Part 15 - Indigo Plateau


Pokemon Liquid Crystal Pokemon List

  • Part 16 - Back to New Bark, S.S. Aqua, Vermilion City, Vermilion Gym
  • Part 17 - Route 6, Saffron City, Saffron Gym
  • Part 18 - Route 8, Lavender Town, Route 10, Rock Tunnel, Route 9, Kanto Power Plant
  • Part 19 - Cerulean City, Routes 24 and 25, Cerulean Gym, Route 5
  • Part 20 - Route 7, Celadon City, Celadon Gym, Tin Tower Rooftop
  • Part 21 - Routes 16, 17 and 18, Fuchsia City, Fuchsia Gym
  • Part 22 - Routes 15, 14, 13, and 12
  • Part 23 - Route 11, Diglett's Cave, Route 2, Pewter City, Pewter Gym
  • Part 24 - Route 3, Mt. Moon, Route 4
  • Part 25 - Viridian City, Route 1, Pallet Town
  • Part 26 - Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20, Cinnabar Gym, Route 19, Viridian Gym
  • Part 27 - Routes 22 and 28
  • Part 28 - Mt. Silver

See also

Lookin body basic serial number.

Doordarshan (transl. Distant vision) is a 2020 Indian Hindi -language comedy-drama film directed by Gagan Puri and produced by Arya Films (Ritu Arya). The film stars Mahie Gill and Manu Rishi Chaddha. The film was released in theatres on 28 February 2020. Ramayan Cast (Doordarshan), Actors, Roles, Salary & More Niraj Singh 1 Ramayan is an Indian Hindi, mythological television serial which will be aired on Doordarshan. Sansar serial doordarshan cast watch. Sansar cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list of Sansar actors includes any Sansar actresses and all other actors from the film. You can view additional information about each Sansar actor on. Jul 29, 2011 - Labels: Gotya, marathi tv serial on doordarshan, Tv Serial. To support the strong storyline the serial has.

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.
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